Live weather on your iPhone/iPad from Weather Display

Live weather on your iPhone/iPad from Weather Display

In case you don’t know I run a citizens weather station at my parents house in Blacktown, NSW, Australia. Its codename is CW9313 (Citizens Weather 9313). You can read more about the weather station itself over here.

Basically the weather station updates the main console every 2.5 seconds and then every 5 seconds the computer connected to the console generates a small text file called the clientraw.txt and uploads this to a web server. A flash based application at uses this text file to provide a live weather view via a web browser.

Today I came across this neat app called Sol Tiempo which is a universal iOS app. Sol Tiempo can connect to many of the official weather data sources from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) but it also has an option to connect to the clientrar.txt file that Weather Display generates every 5 seconds.

To get Sol Tiempo to connect to the CW9313 clientraw.txt file do the following:

  1. Grab the Sol Tiempo app from the iTunes app store here (it’s free! AU$0.99)
  2. Launch the app and tap on the i to add a new configuration
  3. Select the weather provider ALL Weather > WDL (clientraw.txt) and press Done
  4. Give your config a display name (it can be anything you like but I went with CW9313)
  5. Tap on URL for clientraw.txt and enter
  6. Choose Celcius 0r Farenheit
  7. Auto Refresh – Yes
  8. Choose a display them that gets you moist and click done

You’re now ready to watch the weather, go to the CW9313 entry and swipe through the info. Take a look at the screenshots below

2 thoughts on “Live weather on your iPhone/iPad from Weather Display

  1. Hi Evan,

    Love the site. I actually live very close to you in Glenwood, in the block of houses near the outback steak house and parklea markets (old windsor rd and sunnyholt road). I’m a little obsessed with weather updates and its great to get very accurate weather from right near where I live.

    I’ve downloaded the iphone app and have some questions about the format of the raw data file that it reads. I’m a programmer myself and was looking for a project to keep my mind occupied and weather was the natural topic of choice. If you don’t mind answering a couple of questions from me, or pointing me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

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